Download or read on-line one of the famous novel series "Action Agency" from the Imran Series, by Mazhar Kaleem and enjoy a spy story of Imran series in Urdu language for free. Action Agency is one of the famous novels by Mr. Mazhar Kaleem. Imran series is a famous popular novel series started by Ibn-e-Safi, and after his death, Mr. Mazhar Kaleem continued it.
The writer of this novel "Action Agence", Mr. Mazhar Kaleem is a popular Urdu novelist from Multan Pakistan. He is known for Imran Series. He has also written stories for the young children. He is not only an Urdu novelist but also a lawyer too. He was also elected as a Senior Vice President of Multan Bar Association. His father Hamid Yar Khan was a retired officer. He belongs to a Pathan family "Mohammad Zai".
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